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324 S Hancock St, Pentwater, MI 49449

Garden Club of Pentwater and Neighboring Communities

Purpose: To promote the knowledge and love of gardening, to beautify our community, to understand and to conserve our natural resources.

Motto: Grow where you are planted.

Members of the club enjoy:

* Meeting monthly for fellowship and educational presentations

* Caring for several community gardens

* Conducting a spring plant sale

* Organizaing an annual garden walk

* Presenting Garden of the Month awards to community members

* Maintaining school gardens with help from elementary students

* Taking field trips to neighboring garden club meetings and area points of interests.

Members of the Garden Club meet on the third Tuesday of each month from March through December at 1:30pm. Most meetings are held at the Pentwater Friendship Center on the corner of Rush and Park Streets.

Questions regarding meetings or membership can be directed to Club President Paula Aerts at:

Officers of the Club serve for two years. Hostesses are recruited for monthly refreshments. Members are also appointed to committees in the following areas. Please indicate any areas of interest when you send in your new members information form. Come Join in the fun!

Areas of Interest: Programs, Ways and Means, Civic Beautification, Garden of the Month, Conservation, Community Projects, Publicity, Membership, By-Laws, Web page/ Yearbook.

Forms are available at the Pentwater Chamber of Commerce Office and by contacting Kay Dion.

DUES: Candidates for membership should attend two meetings prior to joining. Active members are expected to attend at least three meetings pers year and take part on committees and with projects. Annual dues are $15 with an initiation fee for new members of an additional $5.00.

** All meetings will be held in the John Wesley room at Centenary United Methodist Church in Pentwater, beginning at 12:30 with dessert, then the program/business meeting** (unless otherwise noted) **= time change, *= meeting place other than the JW room ***= time AND meeting place change

PO Box 163

Pentwater, MI 49449

Categories: Clubs/Associations/Churches

324 S. Hancock Street
Pentwater, MI 49449 USA

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